
Project management can be handled by anyone

Because its flexibility and easy to understand.

How It Works

Full features project management

Project List

Task Management

Kanban Board

Project Dashboard

Project dashboard give you a summary of what’s happening within a project.

  • See available milestone
  • Activity Timeline
  • Summary of Task based on status
  • Earning Records
  • Time log records
  • Members involved

and many more to be explore


Manage Task

You can quickly monitor and manage every detail aspect about your project.

  • Add sub-task, with the due date
  • Upload specific file based on the task
  • View the recorded time-log, the system will automatically record the staff time spent based on their log-in activities
  • Discuss among team and client within a task. Let client participate and give their inputs
  • Share some notes, to keep everyone aware about what need to be read
  • View Project History
Kanban Board

Flexible Kanban Board that you can manage

  • Customize the column from the default column created (incomple / in-progress / completed)
  • Just “Drag and Drop” the task to move the status
  • Add, Edit and Manage task from the Kanban Board
  • Share the Kanban Board to the public (system will generate unique URL)
Contract Management

You can quickly monitor and manage every detail aspect about your project.

  • Create a contract with the clients
  • Discuss the contract with client
  • Share relevant files
  • Let client sign to accept the contract
Time Log

You can perform monitoring of the team in every project.

  • View detail time spent of team members for every project
  • View the earning form each time spent
  • Create an invoice based on time spent based on every task in a project
  • Very practical for any company or business that practically using bill and time material for every project